Nail Surgery

Nail surgery can be used as a permanent solution for Ingrown toenail, Infection, abnormal structure and shape (deformed), trauma,
fungal nail infection (onychomycosis), wide or curved nail shape. Nail surgery is considered typically after conservative treatment has been tried and tested unsuccessfully.


What to expect at the appointment

 & treatment?

Fill in the form

New patients will fill out an online form that includes consent form, medical history, current medication and allergy prior attending the appointment.

Discuss your concerns

The procedure to be carried out will be dependent on the presenting complaint. If the patient requires one or both sides of the nail removed, a Partial nail avulsion (PNA) will be required. The are some cases when they whole nail may need to be removed therefore a Total nail avulsion (TNA) would be performed.

At the time of the appointment, pre-assessment must be done to determine if you are suitable for nail surgery and this would be discussed with your podiatrist.

Treatment Protocol

  • All nail surgeries are carried out under local anaesthetic and we allow up to 1:30 hr for this procedure.
  • Phenol is used in the procedure to prevent nail regrowth.
  • Included in the treatment are two follow up appointments at week one and week 4 post-surgery. A dressing pack is also given to you along with clear instructions on how and when to change the dressing.

Benefits of Nail Surgery:

  • Pain relief - particlarly the recurrent chronic pain from ingrown nails
  • Prevention of soft tissue infections: Ingrown toenails can sometimes lead to soft tissue infections. Removing the ingrown nail can help to prevent these infections.
  • High success rate: The success rate of ingrown toenail removal is high, especially when phenol is used. Phenol is a chemical that destroys the nail bed, which prevents the nail from growing back.
  • Clinic procedure: Ingrown toenail removal is usually performed in the clinic. This means that you can go home the same day as the procedure.

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